Josiah Nathaniel Wilson
5.20.09 - 1.24.10
Even as I was typing this, my eyes were drawn to the dash in Josiah's life. You see, there is the day he was born (today) and the day he passed away (Jan 24th) but there is all the days inbetween. Josiah lived the dash to the fullest. I know that I had the opportunity experience him up close and personal, but many of you reading this blog post had never been given the opportunity to meet our Josiah. Yet, he has effected many of you in a great way. Why? Because his dash was meaningful. I am reminded of how important it is for me me to live MY dash. I can't live your life, you can't live mine. But if you can still learn something from our precious boy, learn that God has created your life to have great value and meaning. Live your dash. Josiah did.